Friday, May 1, 2009


Bret is studying and I'm really bored so I thought I'd blog about the random stuff going on in our life right now.

As most of you know we were planning on going to Canada for the summer to sell security systems but at the last minute our plans drastically changed. We decided not to go and Bret decided to join the National Guard instead. The National Guard offered a pretty sweet deal (hopefully it doesn't change)we just couldn't resist.
Now that we're staying in Arizona things seem to be working out better and it seems like we're supposed to be here.

Out of the blue the temp agency I work for called. With this temp agency I'm with you're supposed to call a couple times per week to keep your name on top of the "list." I hadn't called the agency for about a month and a half, but then out of the blue I got a call and they offered me a temporary job for 1 week. Unfortuneatley I couldn't do it because I had other obligations during that week.
I thought my chances were ruined because I passed up a job opportunity, but the next morning I got a call from the Temp Agency and they gave me an assignment that paid better and could possibly go through June. I just sort through paperwork, but hey it's a job and someone's got to do it :)


Julie said...

I was bored last night too! Jordan went to a movie with friends, we should have gotten together!
Also, I have to tell you the cutest story with Luke. The other day I had my Dr. Apt, and before I left I told him I was going to the Dr. for baby Corbin (what I tell him every time) he immediately said "Bri?" I had to tell him you weren't coming over and that Jordan would watch him. He was so upset! He just started crying and saying "um back Bri! um back Bri!" (Come back Bri) Jordan kept trying to tell him they would have fun, but he would just say "no..bri." We just all love you too much Bri!

Aly G said...

Congrats on a job! Hope all is well with you guys! Love seeing what you are up to.

Valerie Hall said...

I agree. Emerson loves you so much too! You are the best!

Holly and Daric said...

I'm glad things are working out for you guys. It was fun to see you grocery shopping the other day!

Jess said...

Hey Girl, What's new with you? I haven't talked to you in a while, how is work going so far?