Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome Home Ashlyn

It's been over a month since Ashlyn was born, and it's finally time to update the blog before too much more time goes by. These pictures are of Ashlyn coming home. She arrived home Sunday, April 4, 2010.

One of Ashlyn's final days in the hospital

Her first car seat experience

The final steps to Ashlyn's arrival

Ashlyn's first surprise (a welcome home poster) from a cute neighbor boy. Ashyn and Zane sitting in a tree..(:

Since Ashlyn was our Easter gift we couldn't help but put her into our Easter Basket

We're so blessed to have her in our life!


Jennifer said...

She is so cute! Congrats!!!

Ainsley said...

she is so freakin' cute. i died at the easter basket picture.... so little and dainty.

Crystal Kelly said...

haha I totally LOVE the easter basket picture too! Ahhh you guys are parents now! :) Love you!

Kranendonk Family said...

Oh I loved this post and I lover her! She is the sweetest baby and I can't get enough of her! good work :)

Unknown said...

Cute pictures, Bri! I love it! She is so cute!