Bret's family
The first week of April Bret's parents came into town. While they were here we carried on the same great traditions as usual. Some of our favorites include golfing and shopping. While the boys golf, the girls shop.
Although we loved doing these things, our favorite part during their visit was when they spent a night with us. We loved having company! We played a few intense games of Rummikub and talked for a bit. They were so fun to have around. Thanks mom and dad for coming to Arizona and making our week great!
St. George
On our way to St. George we got stuck in traffic for two hours at Hoover dam. Instead of driving the 6 hours it was supposed to take, we drove 8 hours.

After Cafe rio we checked into our "classy" hotel the Cornoda Inn and Suites where we finally met up with our friends. It was so fun to see everyone again. Saturday morning we woke up to freezing cold rain and after some discussion decided to go to Zions despite the freezing weather.
Bri's Family
Before heading out of St. George we went to the St. George Temple for a few minutes. It is a beautiful temple! After we left the temple we drove to Hurricane to meet up with my mom and brothers (Tyler and Colby) who were on their way to visit us in Arizona. We then caravaned home. It was fun to have my family here. We played a lot of tennis, went swimming, relaxed, shopped, and went out to eat a few times. I had the chance to go to th Mesa Temple and perfom baptisms for the dead with my family. It was so neat to get to do that again.
Throughout the week our apartment got smaller and smaller as Trisha and Nate and dad showed up, but somehow there was enough room for 8 of us to sleep. Thanks everyone for coming down!! We loved having you guys here and hope you come back soon!!
Mesa Temple
Texas Roadhouse Birthday Celebration
Bret's Sim Lab
Claim Jumper - is that Harry Potter in background?!